First 1km of the winter
The south-south-easterly brought strong onshore waves, which are always fun to swim in. Another drop in temperature, probably from the colder night and early mornings, down to 8.7 degrees. When I first saw the sea today, I thought it may have to be the 500m course, however apart from my feet, both of which had complaints after about 400m, I decided after completing the 750m course, to turn around and swim back against the tide once more to add an extra 250m. The rigorous waves and strong tide meant I was in the water for 25 minutes but I successfully completed 1,000m for the first time this winter. This keeps alive the aspiration of the marathon distance in one winter, with a total now of 39,100m or 24.3 miles. There are still very strong winds (45mph+) forecasted for Wednesday and Thursday, but it’s still possible. Tomorrow the wind looks lighter so if I’m feeling it I intend to try and complete another 1,000m, which will then leave just over a mile to go.