A change of scenery
Since the challenge is over I am starting to feel a little less pressured into swimming the same route as the rest of the winter. Today I took full advantage of this and heading up towards Bateman’s Tower, in the opposite direction to my usual course.
It was great fun and reminded me of a perspective of this coast that I haven’t experienced since the end of last summer when I began properly training for this challenge.
The water was a delightful 8.2 degrees and I can see double figures not being far into the distance. I’m looking forward to that but not the increase in other sea users - except the considerate ones of course!
I have added an extra swim into my itinerary for next week so plan on three more swims to complete March after which I will stop writing these brief summaries, although I fully intend to continue swimming.
Maybe I will be able to increase my distance and reduce my timing so I can have a crack at the Apprentice Jedi category for next winter. Watch this space…..