12 days is a long time out of the water!

My last swim was 5th January, for a number of reasons. The temperature then was 7.3 degrees and during the intervening 12 days it has taken a sharp drop down to 5.2 degrees. Apart from losing some of my body acclimatisation during the last 12 days I also managed not to wear my nose clip as I pushed off from the prom steps into the sea! The experience of very cold water being forced up the nostrils is an interesting one and not one I’m used to these days. My friend Aryasara first introduced me to the benefit of a nose clip some summers ago. As the temperature of the water dropped I found it invaluable from preventing the post swim dribble - not a good look!

After I managed to recover from that initial experience the beautiful sunshine sparkling off the sea really lifted me. I often mention how grateful I am to live where I do and have this amazing natural facility on my doorstep.


Fog on the Colne as January swims completed


Nice waves, shame about the current