Polar Bear Challenge
Nov 2023 - Mar 2024 Completed!
After 72 swims clocking up a distance of 41,990 metres or 26.09 miles, this winter’s Arctic Polar Bear Challenge is over for me. I have received 59 online donations and many more cash ones in the Winterfest collecting pot. The total collected after my last swim is £2,200.48, all of which will go to the Brightlingsea Winterfest Wellbeing Fund at a presentation on Sunday 12th May.
It’s been a fabulous five months which has been possible through the amazing support from so many people, particularly members of the Winterfest organising committee (Alix, Anne and Dave). I will be writing a special blog post about their support in the coming days.
In the meantime, I’ve washed my trunks and promised them a rest….at least for a week!
Thanks to everyone who donated or offered encouragement on those dark, cloudy and uninviting days. Maybe see you next year!
Love Sthiranaga / Darren x
Celebrating swimming 10,000m in one month for the first time.
28th March 2024
After the swim to Bateman’s Tower in 44mph winds
15th March 2024
Joined once again by my intrepid friend and fellow member of the Triratna Buddhist Order, Sagaradevi.
Swimming on the morning of Christmas Day.
Swimming on top of the Winterfest crocheted Post Box outside Spirals.
Wonderful to be part of this artistic masterpiece.