Polar Bear Challenge Nov 2023 - Mar 2024

Sea swimming through the winter to raise money for Brightlingsea Winterfest Wellbeing Fund

Welcome to this space which I have created to share my experience of taking part in the Arctic Polar Bear Challenge this winter.

In 2020/2021 I completed the Gold Polar Bear Challenge raising £2,588.80 for the Samaritans and Colchester Buddhist Centre.

In 2021/2022 I completed the Arctic Polar Bear Challenge raising £2,366.44 for St Helena Hospice and Colchester Buddhist Centre.

After a break last winter due to going on a Buddhist Pilgrimage to India, I have decided once more to take to the chilly seas and this time I am hoping to raise money for the Brightlingsea Winterfest Wellbeing Fund.

Go here for details of my journey to date, what the Arctic Challenge involves and why I am raising money.

Short summaries of my swims can be found here for 2020/21 and 2021/22 along with a gallery of ‘Photos’ and ‘Videos’, including my swim in the snow on 9th February 2022.

If you sign-up to my newsletter at the end of each month I will send you a summary of my activity.

Many thanks


(Darren Barrenger)

The above pictures are after my first swim of this year’s campaign and of Casa Azul, the beach hut where I start and finish all of my swims.

Arctic Polar Bear Challenge Criteria

Swim a minimum monthly total of 3000 metres every month from November to March.

No wetsuit, no gloves or socks, just trunks and my trusty pink hat.